Lourdes Sanchez, I didn't know if I was above water or below, I only knew every living being was singing

Work: Anemones, Water Lilies and others shelter the Ugly Duckling, 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 50 x 62 inches / 58 x 70 inches framed SANCH997
Anemones, Water Lilies and others shelter the Ugly Duckling, 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
50 x 62 inches / 58 x 70 inches framed
Work: Radiant (Pink), 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 55 x 43 inches / 59 1/2 x 48 inches framed SANCH1003
Radiant (Pink), 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
55 x 43 inches / 59 1/2 x 48 inches framed
Work: Anemones, Lotus and Axolotl, 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 55 x 43 inches / 59 1/2 x 47 3/4 inches framed SANCH1002
Anemones, Lotus and Axolotl, 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
55 x 43 inches / 59 1/2 x 47 3/4 inches framed
Work: Light Years with Green Clay, 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 62 x 50 inches / 70 x 58 inches framed SANCH993
Light Years with Green Clay, 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
62 x 50 inches / 70 x 58 inches framed
Work: Intergalactic Tiddlywinks, 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 64 x 50 inches / 70 x 58 inches framed SANCH995
Intergalactic Tiddlywinks, 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
64 x 50 inches / 70 x 58 inches framed
Work: One afternoon I got away, and met everyone I needed to, 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 43 x 54 inches / 47 1/2 x 58 1/2 inches framed SANCH1004
One afternoon I got away, and met everyone I needed to, 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
43 x 54 inches / 47 1/2 x 58 1/2 inches framed
Work: Untitled, 2022 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 16 x 10 inches / 19 x 13 inches framed SANCH984
Untitled, 2022
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
16 x 10 inches / 19 x 13 inches framed
Work: 4 circles in a line (orange, pink, browns), 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 21 x 13 1/2 inches / 24 x 16 1/2 inches framed SANCH1013
4 circles in a line (orange, pink, browns), 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
21 x 13 1/2 inches / 24 x 16 1/2 inches framed
Work: 3 touching circles in a row (orange, browns), 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 11 1/2 x 14 1/4 inches / 14 1/2 x 17 1/4 inches framed SANCH1014
3 touching circles in a row (orange, browns), 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
11 1/2 x 14 1/4 inches / 14 1/2 x 17 1/4 inches framed
Work: 4 touching circles (opaque yellow, orange brown, and tan), 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 29 x 21 inches / 32 1/2 x 24 1/4 inches framed SANCH1015
4 touching circles (opaque yellow, orange brown, and tan), 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
29 x 21 inches / 32 1/2 x 24 1/4 inches framed
Work: before we got here, and after we go, 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 25 x 18 inches / 28 1/4 x 21 1/4 inches framed SANCH1019
before we got here, and after we go, 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
25 x 18 inches / 28 1/4 x 21 1/4 inches framed
Work: getting closer, staying starry eyed, 2023 ink, watercolor and pencil on paper 25 x 18 inches / 28 1/4 x 21 1/4 inches framed SANCH1027
getting closer, staying starry eyed, 2023
ink, watercolor and pencil on paper
25 x 18 inches / 28 1/4 x 21 1/4 inches framed