MaryBeth Thielhelm, works from "Aqueous"
Jun 17, 2012 – Jun 24, 2010
For Immediate Release:
The Winifred Johnson Clive Foundation has given a grant to MaryBeth Thielhelm for Aqueous, a solo painting exhibition for the AB Dow Museum of Art and Science in Midland, Michigan.
The AB Dow Museum in Midland, Michigan plans to feature an ambitious museum wide collaborative exhibit called
Water Works, exploring the most important substance in our evolution and our daily lives.
The exhibition will have two primary components: science and art. The science component will highlight the physical properties of water in its various states, the harnessing of the power of water and water's role in one's everyday life, addressing conservation and environmental awareness. The art component will present solo exhibitions by artists whose work relate to and celebrate water.
The grant will provide financial funding for the production costs of Aqueous, a solo exhibition of large scale oil paintings by MaryBeth Thielhelm to be included in Water Works.
Aqueous is a sponsored project of the New York Foundation for the Arts.
The exhibition is scheduled for January 23 - April 25, 2010.