We Move Through Time Together
Jul 5 – Aug 19, 2016
Endless Summer
Exhibition Title: We Move Through Time Together
Exhibition Dates: July 5 – August 19 , 2016
New York, NY— In Sears-Peyton’s summer exhibition We Move Through Time Together, beachgoers pace dreamily over sun-bleached sand, bold monochrome prints imply repeated runs through the press, and hovering lacquer miasmas transform everyday snapshots into transcendental occurrences. As summer slows the City’s bustling to a languorous pace, these works evoke the suspensions, evidence, and elisions of passing time perhaps most palpable in the lingering light of summer.
On view is a large-scale photograph of blurry beachgoers comes from John Huggins’ Once series, begun after the death of his father. These beautifully composed yet out-of-focus scenes suggest the emotionally freighted passage of experience into memory.
Exhibiting artist Betty Merken’s monochromatic abstractions are built up slowly, printed layer by layer on the paper’s surface—eventually forming a record of both artistic process and the passage of time. Hung in colorful groups, the works suggest the nobility of repetition and routine as the artist transforms them into luminous substance.
Photographer and painter Randi Malkin Steinberger’s works forge two common domestic items—found snapshots and nail polish—into otherworldly scenes. Steinberger superimposes Rorschach-like blots of enamel over the found images, transforming forgotten yet specific moments into ponderous scenes on the boundary between the everyday and fantasy.
With works by Agnes Barley, Thomas Hager, John Huggins, Betty Merken, Shelley Reed, Jane Rosen, Karin Schaefer, Wendy Small, Randi Malkin Steinberger, Clay Wagstaff, and Andrew Zimmerman, We Move Through Time Together offers viewers a glimpse of art and time as they intersect and contradict each other, mixing past, present, and future in the seemingly endless days of summer.
We Move Through Time Together is on view July 5 – August 19, 2016 at Sears-Peyton Gallery’s Chelsea location at 210 Eleventh Avenue. Summer Gallery Hours are 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information or to request further press images, please contact the gallery at